All about us

In 2014 we, Jackie and Gerard Chabot, decided to radically change our lives.  We had been living on Lake Whalom in Lunenburg, MA and thought that we would like to try something new.  Not knowing what that might be we started looking for a new place to live and found this beautiful piece of property.  At first we were just going to have a few chickens.  But that quickly changed when a chance stop at another local alpaca farm made our mind up - we would become alpaca farmers.  Our family and friends thought we were crazy but we truly love our new life and livelihood. Now we have twelve alpacas, twenty chickens, two fiber bunnies, two cats and a life we would not trade!

Fiber Studio and Shop

The loft of our barn is home to an active fiber studio where you can learn new skills and techniques.  And our store carries everything alpaca.  

Our Animals

The alpacas, chickens and rabbits that share our lives are truly magical.  They give unconditional love and work hard to contribute to this wonderful life.

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Plan a Group Visit

All of us at The Meadow love visitors.  We encourage you to come check us out and bring your group for an educational adventure.